by Sarah Saltwick
groundswell | Summer 2015
About This Production
I was immediately fascinated by Sarah's script, which wove together spoken and physical, gestural text. This play was first sparked by Sarah's desire to see moments on stage that felt as emotionally real and rich as real life; to accomplish this, she wanted to make familiar actions - drinking, kissing, working - unfamiliar to help us see them again for the first time. She had never seen this play on its feet, so our biggest task in this developmental production was to discover how to build that physical text and how it interacts with the poetry of Sarah's words.
​A Rude Fusion project produced in collaboration with Rude Mechs, this was also the inaugural project for groundswell, a theatre company founded in Austin, Texas dedicated to developing and producing new plays.

photos by Roy Moore
Hannah Burkhauser
Joseph Garlock
Collaborative Team
​Lighting Designer: Rachel Atkinson
Scenic Designer: Anne McMeeking
Costume Designer: Kelsey Vidic
Sound Designer: Toto Miranda
Stage Manager: Kenny Chilton
Crew: Olivia DeBeck & Whitney Davenport